Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Catatan Singkat WEGI 3 PT. Semen Indonesia

Untuk yang ke tiga kalinya PT Semen Indonesia (SI) mengadakan Wisata Edukasi Green Industry. Dimana PT. SI mengundang para netizen, aktifis dan penggiat sosial media untuk ikut serta berperan dalam mendukung terwujudnya Green Industry di Indonesia.
Tidak berbeda jauh dengan Wisata Edukasi Green Industry (WEGI) yang pertama, WEGI3 mengajak para peserta mengunjungi beberapa UKM mitra binaan PT. Semen Indonesia, keliling pabrik Semen Indonesia, serta diskusi bersama para direksi PT. Semen Indonesia. Hanya saja ada sedikit tambahan di WEGI3 yaitu kunjungan ke Pelabuhan milik PT. Semen Indonesia, pelabuhan yang khusus hanya untuk kapal-kapal yang berkepentingan dengan pabrik, missal kapal pengangkut baru bara, dll. Juga kunjungan ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) ‘Waste to Zero’ yang dibuat di tanah bekas tambang PT Semen Indonesia di Ngipik, Gresik.
Pada Wisata Green Industri yang ke 3 di Tuban ini, kuota peserta lebih banyak, yang di bagi menjadi 3 kelompok penjemputan bus dari panitia yaitu dari arah Semarang, Jogja, dan Surabaya.
Pada kloter Semarang berangkat pukul 6.oo pagi menuju Tuban.

Penerapan Corporation Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. Semen Indonesia
Pada acara WEGI 1 pada bulan Desember 2014 silam, sudah banyak dipaparkan mengenai program CSRnya PT. Semen Indonesia oleh Bpk. Ir. Wahyudi Heru. Mengenai program yang diberi nama singkatan BERSINERGI(Bersama Semen Indonesia Cerdaskan Negri) PT. Semen Indonesia mampu mewujudkan bentuk kepedulianya terhadap perkembangan perekonomian, pendidikan, infrastruktur dan pelestarian lingkungan.
Diantaranya adalah melaui pembinaan terhadap beberapa UKM yang berpotensi untuk berkembang. Beberapa UKM yang sudah berhasil sukses bersama PT. Semen Indonesia adalah Sanggar Batik Tulis Tenun Gedog Sekar Ayu di Desa Kedung Rejo Kecamatan Kerek Kabupaten Tuban. Merupakan galeri sekaligus sanggar batik yang ditekuni oleh Ibu Uswatun Hasanah sejak tahun belasan tahun lalu. Di sanggar ini tidak hanya anak-anak muda yang belajar membatik, tapi banyak juga ibu-ibu yang belajar sekaligus bekerja di sanggar tersebut.
Beberapa penghargaan sudah berhasil diraihnya melalui ketekunannya produksi dan publikasinya. Diantara penghargaan yang sudah didapatnya yaitu anugerah tertinggi bidang industri, Upakarti 2010, untuk kategori jasa pelestari dari pemerintah Tuban, selain itu beliau juga terpilih sebagai juara utama Anugerah UKM PT. Semen Indonesia tahun 2010.

Selain itu, UKM yang sudah cukup sukses bersama PT. Semen Indonesia adalah R & D Handycraft di Lamongan, sebuah bisnis kerajinan tangan yang dipimpin oleh Mas Dodi Arimawanto ini telah berkembang lumayan besar, memproduksi pernak pernik dan aksesoris seperti tas, sepatu, sandal, bingkai, dan masih banyak lagi. R & D Handycraft ini meski galerinya hanya bertempat gallery di Lamongan saja, tapi banyak karyanya yang sudah diikutkan pameran nasional di Jakarta dan bahkan sudah banyak konsumen dari luar negri alias sudah ekspor produknya. Dan jangan kaget, kalau omset perbulanya mas Dodi ini sudah mencapai 7oo jutaan! Luar biasa!

Setelah mengunjungi beberapa UKM, peserta diajak menuju pelabuhan PT. Semen Indonesia. Dimana pelabuhan ini hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan PT. SI seperti pengangkutan batu bara, pengiriman semen jalur laut, dll.

Memasuki waktu dzuhur, seluruh peserta dikumpulkan di gedung utama PT. Semen Indonesia di Tuban untuk istirahat, sholat dan makan siang(ishoma).

Diskusi bersama para direksi PT. Semen Indonesia | Menjawab banyak pertanyaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan baru

Ishoma selesai acara dilanjutkan dalam ruang auditorium, untuk berdiskusi bersama para direksi PT. Semen Indonesia. Ada empat orang narasumber yang telah berjajar di depan peserta antara lain Bpk. Prasetyo Utomo sebagai Direktur Produksi Semen Gresik, Bpk. Wahjudi Heru sebagai Kadept CSR Semen Indonesia, Bpk. Agung Wiharto, Sekretaris Perusahaan, dan Bpk. Abimanyu sebagai Kabiro Komunikasi Perusahaan.

Banyak yang dijelaskan saat diskusi tersebut. Salah satu yang bisa dibilang paling menarik adalah pemaparan rencana pembangunan pabrik semen di Rembang. Karena rencana pembangunan pabrik oleh PT. Semen Indonesia di Rembang penuh kontrovesrsi, pemaparan oleh Bpk. Agung Wiharto ini cukup bisa menjawab banyak pertanyaan yang selama ini masih bergantungan tanpa jawaban.
Pak Agung menerangkan rencana pembangunan pabrik di Rembang ini menggunakan video 3D yang cukup detail. Pabrik Rembang akan dibangun dengan teknologi yang paling canggih saat ini. Tentu lebih canggih dari pabrik Tuban yang benar benar sudah menerapkan 3P ini: Profit, Planet and People. Menurut penjeasan pak Agung juga, nantinya pabrik di Rembang sudah akan menggunakan yang namanya teknologi Electrostatic Precipitator (EP). Sehingga debu electrostatic yang keluar, segera ditangkap oleh teknologi tersebut. Electrostatic ini dipasang di raw mill dan cooler dengan efisiensi 99% dengan hasil standar emisi debu maksimal sebesar 3 mg/Nm³ atau bisa dikatakan jauh dibawah yang dipersyaratkan oleh Pemerintah RI yaitu sebesar 50 mg/Nm³.

Diskusi berjalan ramai dengan antusias peserta yang begitu aktif dengan banyak pertanyaan. Hingga hamper maghrib, diskusi baru ditutup dengan pembagian doorprize untuk para penanya dan peserta yang beruntung. Setelah itu, ditutup dengan doa bersama yang dipimpin Bpk. Novianto, moderator diskusi tadi. Dan akhirnya semua peserta kembali diantar bus menuju pool penjemputan masing-masing.

Kamis, 13 September 2012

Report of English School Outing Programme Part IV

 Part IV

Eleventh Day, Borobudur vs Prambanan                                      Thu, 14th of  June 2012

            Which one did we get many foreigners there in last day?
Last day in Prambanan temple was not too different from Borobudur temple. I said truly because when Sufyan and I did SOP in Borobudur temple especially in last day we got no foreigners. We had asked many foreigners to join conversation with us but no foreigners wanted to make conversation. In Prambanan we just got lucky on Thursday which was second of SOP in Prambanan. Last day in two temples we didn’t get lucky, but our condition in Prambanan was better. Although we didn’t get many foreigners to have conversation for long time, but I met two foreigners from Japan and had conversation with them.
            In Prambanan we met many foreigners who couldn’t have conversation with us. We went around Prambanan for many times and we got no foreigner. Today was no foreigners, no practicing but today was only joking taking picture and talking with students from MA Muhamidyah Ngawi.
            We shared all about us with students of MA Muhammadiyah Ngawi. Because they were doing as like us. Student of MA Ngawi just did their PKL in a day. They went to Prambanan in the morning and went home in the afternoon. But as I saw most of them just took picture and minim conversation. Although we didn’t get foreigners but we could share with some students of MA Muhammadiyah Ngawi.
            Last day in Prambanan we met many students who came from Ngawi and Purworejo who practiced their English. We were proud although we didn’t get foreigners our speaking was better than them. We were more professional and we had more experience.
            But were not arrogant, because we still need more practicing and learning English. We had to study, learn, and practicing English, we had to not stop our studying and practicing here. Having conversation with many foreigners made us be shy, we felt our English was still bad.
            I was happy because I was always with my partner when we had conversation with foreigners. We were separated and didn’t have conversation together only three or four times and if you knew that our friends were often separated and had conversation with other partner especially or Imam and Adib. I belived Adib never began asking foreigners. Great SOP !

Rabu, 12 September 2012

Report of English School Outing Programme Part III

 Part III

Fifth Day, Friendly American!                                                        Fri, 8th of June 2012

It was good day, although it was cloudy we could get many foreigners. At the first we felt so reluctant to ask foreigners because when we had arrived Borobudur temple and we asked some foreigners, most of them were busy.
            We tried to get foreigners; we went around from Kamadatu level upto Arupadhatu level. When we arrived on top of Rupadhatu level we found two foreigners, because we were forbidden to practice our English on Arupadhatu’s areas. We went up to Arupadhatu’s area by climbing the wall.
            On third round terraces we approached two foreigners that came from New York and San Francisco we talk anything about Borobudur. Their education, university and in the middle of our conversation a security approached us he said “if you went to practice you English just practice in Kamadhatu and Rupadhatu level”. We were so disappointed with the security, but we did what security said and stopped our conversation, we didn’t forget to ask their contacts and picture.
            We went around the temple, got down, and went up looked at right and left to find foreigners. After few minutes, we felt so tired; we decided to wait for the foreigners in entrance.
            We found a foreigner who walked by himself without waiting we directly approached him in entrance of Borobudur temple I said “sorry sir! We are student, we are practicing our English may I bother you? Or my I accompany you to go around Borobudur “He was so interested with us. We invited him to walk around Borobudur. His name was Mark Wilson, he came from L.A. America.
            We explained Borobudur temple as far as we knew, we asked whether there, teenagers there, and when we arrived on top of Kamadhatu level we were so confused, our conversation and our explaining about Borobudur had not finished but we had to stop it we were forbidden to practice our English at Arupatdhatu’s area, so he went up and we waited for him. During our waiting, we concluded what we had gotten from foreigners. When Mark got down directly, we asked his E- Mail and picture.
            The fourth and fifth foreigner came from Spain. They were two brothers and their names were Juan and Rauser. They could speak English a little bit, and their hobby was travelling, they had visited 40 countries. Wow! It was amazing! Juan said “I have to choose between travelling and wife”.

Selasa, 11 September 2012

Report of English School Outing Programme Part II

Part II

Second Day, Do You Know Bangladesh City?                              Tue, 05th of June 2012

            No day without waiting for our guide, it was twice we waited for our guide in front of Brayat dormitory and it made us be bored. If we went to Borobudur early, but the problem was we need our guide to enter Borobudur temple. Without our guide maybe we couldn’t enter. As usually we entered from seventh gate, we went there on foot and we paid nothing to enter.
When we arrived in front of Borobudur temple, we took picture together, we separated. We got around Borobudur, hunted foreigners, but it was not our lucky. We didn’t find foreigners until we gave up. We were confused, we had got around and we found nothing. Lately we found a foreigner from Bangladesh. When we said we were English student and we were practicing our language he so appreciated.
            We accompanied him from Rupadhatu level up to Arupadhatu level. We asked about his country, education system, tourism resort, weather and transportation there but we didn’t asked about scholarship there.
            Education in Bangladesh is near same with Indonesia but, in Bangladesh Primary school only five years (in Indonesia is as like Elementary school), secondary school five years (in Indonesia is junior high school) and High secondary school is two years (in Indonesia is senior high school) He said. Oh... Yeah his name is Reza.
            The weather there is same with Indonesia. Those dry and wet seasons. Than other that we talked about tourism resort, there is a famous beach there, maybe it’s same with Kuta beach if in Indonesia, and about the transportation there, actually there was water/river transportation there, they use boat to be transportation but now is seldom, they move to land transportation like bus, train and others.
            We were very enjoying it. He is so friendly, almost every angel he asked my help to take some pictures, so I did it with happy.
            In the last our conversation he asked us about the payment for some souvenirs, but actually I didn’t think so about it, I don’t know much about it. Then he said to us, “actually you should know about much information here, so if there is some foreigners ask to you about it, you can help them and they will remember you sometimes, and recall you because of your help last time”.

Senin, 10 September 2012

Report of English School Outing Programme Part I


Praise Allah SWT for His blessings and grace born of strength of mind and spirit on the road so that the writers can resolve this report.
This report is based School Outing Programme implemented in Yogyakarta and Magelang hold on 4th - 18th of June 2012.
The report was prepared and submitted as a requirement to take the National Final Examination (UAN) and the School Final Examination (UAS) at Malhiktwo School.
As without any help from others, the writers may not be able to complete the report of School Outing Programme, so it is the authors would like to say a thank you so much to all those who have assisted in the preparation of these reports.
Brebes, 30th of December 2012
The Writers
(Sufyan Abd. Aziz and Bejo Salim)